Here’s how long it will take your city dwelling partner to cover your rent.

First off, we understand that living in New York City is more stressful than ever. While getting from point A to point B might be easier said than done, if you want to, you can surely put yourself in touch with a significant others’ Manhattan apartments, which may, or may not, be along the same affordable lines as yours. Who knows, maybe this will work as a strategy.

However, with that said, there are many New Yorkers that are planning to bring their families to New York City soon, and that might mean that you and your significant other will need to find a way to compromise on costs and time. Maybe that means that you and your girlfriend will do a lot of cooking in Manhattan, but maybe your significant other will stay home with the kids a little bit more.

Faye Cushing, a co-host of the NPR quiz show A Continuous Lean, is living this latter scenario. So, are you?

“My roommates are welcome into my apartment all the time. When they come, they like to explore as well, and there is just so much to look at if I would actually put an ad in and try to rent that apartment. My apartment is just spectacularly messy. I’ve had this apartment for five years now, and I’ve had plenty of boyfriends and boyfriends-to-be live here with me and not mess it up,” Cushing says.

When it comes to dealing with the apartment this weekend, the co-host of the NPR quiz show admits that she was also thinking of being more accommodating to her boyfriend’s needs.

“One thing I thought when I was thinking of it, [is] ‘Do you really want to do it here? Can you really take this all on?’ [But] I decided that was such a small price to pay for this comfort level and the memories that come along with it, so I’m going to overlook that. In the end, the answer is, ‘Oh yeah, I’m definitely going to make this work,’ ” she says.

Cushing maintains that not only is her apartment absolutely perfect, but she feels like it’s also extremely affordable.

“[It’s] incredibly small, it has great views, it was extremely cheap and it was like part of the reason why it’s so clean is because I wash my clothes in the sink when I’m cleaning up and nobody can see it,” she says.

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